How about a new approach to running
After some recent.....annoyances, I honestly think the worst thing about nightfall is the gates and such.
No i'm not saying completely remove them, as I think this helps a lot to keep new players out of area's they shouldnt be in.
My approach is, why not keep the gates, and the current way of entering missions, but when you open a new gate, or beat a mission you "unlock" that gate/mission for your account.
Reason being, I want to get an elite on my mesmer, the problem is the boss only spawns after a quest, and to do that quest, you have to do the mission right before it.
Now, into a little more depth: I have beaten the game with my warrior, I think they should impliment a system, where if your character is from another campaign and/or or level 20, you should be able to go ANYWHERE as long as you have previously done it once on any of the characters on your account.(if they are from another campaign, they must be lvl 20 to do this) Therefore I think I should be able to have my mesmer ran to the mission she needs to do to get the quest and elite skill I want.
This will stop people new the the game, and low levels from getting to high level area's, while keeping the whole map open to any level 20, who has at least gone through that area on another character.
I know some people dont like running, but I person hate having to play through the game 5 times, especially when all I want to do on that character is not beat the game, just get a single skill.
That being said, what do you guys think of this idea? I personally think it will make the vets happy, as well as keeping those who dislike low levels in high lvl area's, happy.
Sure some people say "well, it helps you learn the character", true......but why do I need help learning a character I already knew? To me, a game is not a game when your forced to play through it to get anywhere.